Tips For Frothing Milk


Steamed milk (for flat whites and latte)

Place the steam nozzle in the frothing jug so it is resting just below the surface. Activate the steam button (lever or knob) and ensure you rotate the milk to create a smooth consistent compact foam. At 30 degrees temp (quite early on), submerse the nozzle to continue to heat the milk in order to restrict the amount of air induced.

Frothed milk (for cappuccino, machiatto)

Place the steam nozzle in the frothing jug so it is resting just below the surface. Activate the steam button (lever or knob) and ensure you rotate the milk to create a smooth consistent compact foam. At 40 – 45 degrees temp (towards the end), submerse the nozzle to continue to heat the milk in order to keep milk rotating.

Other tips

Always froth small quantities (ie. no more than two cappuccinos worth at a time) When frothing, hold the jug carefully and either use a thermometer or if skilled – hand temperature and sound to steam milk correctly. Open steam nozzle for a second before submerging in milk to clear condensation. Always purge steam wand after frothing milk and wipe the steam wand.

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